Home Wakefield Florist Flowers

Home Wakefield Florist Flowers

Same Day Delivery Available

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Mother's day

Order your flowers for Mothers Day 30th March 2025
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Welcome to Blackburn Florists
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Wedding Flowers Are Available To Order
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Funeral Flowers

Flowers For Funerals
Blackburn Florists, appreciate that this is a very hard time for all involved. We want this to be an easy process, with unnecessary worry. Order from our range of stunning flowers online or by telephone during opening hours 6 days a week on 01924272789, if you are local why not come along to the shop and say hello on High St.

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Same Day Delivery Available


Hi we are Blackburn Florist of Horbury, Wakefield!

For over 40 years Blackburn Florist of Horbury, Wakefield have been proud to provide a personalised service for all floral requirements, specialising in Weddings, Funerals, Events and those Special Celebrations. Our experienced team will guide you in selecting the perfect gift for any occasion, helping you choose from our constantly changing and varied stock. We also carry a large range of indoor and outdoor plants. Planted arrangements can be made to your specification and are available for delivery. Complimenting our flowers and plants we stock a beautiful selection of giftware including Lily Flame candles, East of India, Gisela Graham and a variety of Home Decor items. Please contact us for further information. Telephone 01924 272789 or email contact@wakefieldflorist.co.uk

Funeral Flowers

Flowers For Funerals.
Blackburn Florists appreciate that this is a very hard time for all involved. We want this to be an easy process, without unnecessary worry. Order from our range of stunning flowers online or by telephone during opening hours 6 days a week on 01924 272789, or if you are local call in to discuss and we will help guide you through it.

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