Sunshine Bouquet

Sunshine Bouquet

Sunshine Bouquet

Sunshine Bouquet


Sunshine Bouquet

Our Florist will hand pick the best stems available creating a bouquet of mixed seasonal blooms in shades of yellow with ivory/white, handtied Aqua style and displayed into a gift bag.

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    Chocolates £10.00
    Balloon £6.00
    Candles by Lily Flame £10.50
    Sherwood the Bear £15.99
    Harry The Bear Gift – Brown £13.99
    Harry The Bear Gift – White £13.99

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Sunshine Bouquet


Sunshine Bouquet

Our Florist will hand pick the best stems available creating a bouquet of mixed seasonal blooms in shades of yellow with ivory/white, handtied Aqua style and displayed into a gift bag.


Sunshine Bouquet
Our Florist will hand pick the best stems available creating a bouquet of mixed seasonal blooms in shades of yellow with ivory/white, handtied Aqua style and displayed into a gift bag.
(flower selection/variety will differ from image shown ,Florist choice)

Delivery Wakefield Florist Flowers. Our charge is £5.95 for all deliveries.

Should the recipient be out when we deliver, delivery Wakefield Florist Flowers standards for service is to leave the gift with a neighbour. We will leave a card to explain where to collect the gift.

Please note:

  • Same day deliverys placed on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday must be placed before 2:00 pm. Any orders received after this time will be delivered the next working day.
  • Orders for same day delivery on Wednesday must be placed by 10:30 am. Orders after this time will be delivered on Thursday.
  • Orders for same day delivery on Saturday must be placed before 11:30 am. Orders after this time will be delivered on Monday (except Bank Holidays.)
  • We do not deliver on a Sunday. Any orders received requesting Sunday deliverys will be delivered the next working day. ( except Bank Holidays)
  • Delivery times cannot be guaranteed. Deliveries are usually from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm but may be outside this period where traffic or weather conditions are causing difficulty.

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