Blackburn Florist of Wakefield

Simply Beautiful Wrap

Simply Beautiful Wrap

Simply Beautiful Wrap


A tied bouquet of mixed seasonal flowers handpicked by our Florist for you. Your bouquet will be simply wrapped into kraft paper finished with a raffia bow.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Simply Beautiful Wrap


A tied bouquet of mixed seasonal flowers handpicked by our Florist for you. Your bouquet will be simply wrapped into kraft paper finished with a raffia bow.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

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A tied bouquet of mixed seasonal flowers handpicked by our Florist for you. Your bouquet will be simply wrapped into kraft paper finished with a raffia bow. Florist choice of content
Choice of Colours…… Shades of Pink with Ivory/White
                       Or    ……..Yellow and Orange and Green
(variety and content will differ to images shown)

Additional information

Bouquet Size

Small Shades of Pink with Ivory/White Bouquet, Large Shades of Pink with Ivory/White Bouquet, Small Yellow and Orange Bouquet, Large Yellow and Orange Bouquet