Country Garden,

Country Garden,

Country Garden,

Country Garden,


Bouquet of delightful garden style flowers in shades of pink, purple and ivory.

Our Florist will handpick the flowers for your bouquet, variety of flowers will vary from image shown due to seasonal availability.

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    Chocolates £10.00
    Balloon £6.00
    Candles by Lily Flame £10.50
    Sherwood the Bear £15.99
    Strawberry Duck £22.99
    Christmas Candles by Lily Flame £9.75

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Country Garden,


Bouquet of delightful garden style flowers in shades of pink, purple and ivory.

Our Florist will handpick the flowers for your bouquet, variety of flowers will vary from image shown due to seasonal availability.


Bouquet of delightful “garden style” flowers in shades of pink, purple and ivory.

(Variety of flowers will vary to image shown, depending on seasonal availability, this our florist choice bouquet)


Additional information

Bouquet Size

Small Bouquet, Medium Bouquet, Large Bouquet