Blackburn Florist of Wakefield

World’s Greatest Mum Gift Set

World’s Greatest Mum Gift Set

World’s Greatest Mum Gift Set


Beautiful tied bouquet of mixed seasonal blooms in shades of pinks, purples and ivory, hand chosen by our florist for you, presented aqua style into a gift bag /box . Completing the bouquet with a scented “World’s Greatest Mum” Lily Flame candle   and a pretty Mother’s Day card for your message.

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World’s Greatest Mum Gift Set


Beautiful tied bouquet of mixed seasonal blooms in shades of pinks, purples and ivory, hand chosen by our florist for you, presented aqua style into a gift bag /box . Completing the bouquet with a scented “World’s Greatest Mum” Lily Flame candle   and a pretty Mother’s Day card for your message.

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Beautiful tied bouquet of mixed seasonal blooms in shades of pinks, purples and ivory, hand chosen by our florist for you, presented aqua style into a gift bag /box . Completing the bouquet with a scented “World’s Greatest Mum” Lily Flame candle   and a pretty Mother’s Day card for your message.
(card design may differ to image shown)
(Flower variety will differ to Image’s shown, Florist choice)

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