Blackburn Florist of Wakefield

White Christmas

White Christmas

White Christmas


A classic bouquet of florist choice mixed seasonal florals in crisp white, ivory and green complimented with twigs and cones

Your bouquet will be tied aqua style, festively wrapped  and presented into to a gift bag/box.

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White Christmas


A classic bouquet of florist choice mixed seasonal florals in crisp white, ivory and green complimented with twigs and cones

Your bouquet will be tied aqua style, festively wrapped  and presented into to a gift bag/box.

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A classic bouquet of florist choice mixed seasonal florals in crisp white, ivory and green complimented with twigs and cones

Your bouquet will be tied aqua style, festively wrapped  and presented into to a gift bag/box.
Flower choice will differ from image shown, Florist choice of the best seasonal stock available in this classic colour theme.

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Small, Medium, Large, Deluxe