Blackburn Florist of Wakefield

Spring pastel gift bag arrangement

Spring pastel gift bag arrangement

Spring pastel gift bag arrangement


Pretty pastel florals arranged in floral foam and presented in a small Gift bag. No further arranging required when the recipient receives their gift, just a drop of water onto the floral foam every day.
Our Florist will handpick the best seasonal blooms of the day in this pretty pastel combination.
(Flower variety/content will differ from image shown, Florist choice).

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Spring pastel gift bag arrangement


Pretty pastel florals arranged in floral foam and presented in a small Gift bag. No further arranging required when the recipient receives their gift, just a drop of water onto the floral foam every day.
Our Florist will handpick the best seasonal blooms of the day in this pretty pastel combination.
(Flower variety/content will differ from image shown, Florist choice).

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

SKU N/A Category


Pretty pastel florals arranged in floral foam and presented in a small Gift bag. No further arranging required when the recipient receives their gift, just a drop of water onto the floral foam every day.
Our Florist will handpick the best seasonal blooms of the day in this pretty pastel combination.
(Flower variety will differ from image shown , Florist choice)

Additional information


Small, Large