Blackburn Florist of Wakefield

Festive Cheer Bouquet

Festive Cheer Bouquet

Festive Cheer Bouquet


Festive Cheer, our  Florist Choice Aqua tied bouquet.

A traditional Christmas colour scheme in shades of red, green and a touch of purple mixed with seasonal and gilt foliage.

Our Florist will handpick the flowers from our daily changing stock to create your gift bouquet.

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Festive Cheer Bouquet


Festive Cheer, our  Florist Choice Aqua tied bouquet.

A traditional Christmas colour scheme in shades of red, green and a touch of purple mixed with seasonal and gilt foliage.

Our Florist will handpick the flowers from our daily changing stock to create your gift bouquet.

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Festive Cheer, our  Florist Choice Aqua tied bouquet.

A traditional Christmas colour scheme in shades of red, green a touch of purple mixed with seasonal and gilt foliage.

Our Florist will handpick the flowers from our daily changing stock to create your gift bouquet.

( flower varieties will differ from image shown, florist choice creating this chosen colour scheme)

Additional information

Bouquet Size

Small Bouquet, Medium Bouquet, Large Bouquet, Luxury Bouquet