Parma Violet

Parma Violet

Parma Violet


Pretty bouquet using Florist choice of mixed seasonal blooms in shades of pink, purples, lavender and white. Tied Aqua style and presented in a Gift bag completed with a little Easter Treat, a Lavender egg-shaped decoration.(Flower variety will differ to image shown)

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Parma Violet


Pretty bouquet using Florist choice of mixed seasonal blooms in shades of pink, purples, lavender and white. Tied Aqua style and presented in a Gift bag completed with a little Easter Treat, a Lavender egg-shaped decoration.(Flower variety will differ to image shown)

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


Pretty bouquet using Florist choice of mixed seasonal blooms in shades of pink, purples, lavender and white. Tied Aqua style and presented in a Gift bag completed with a little Easter Treat, a Lavender egg-shaped decoration.(Flower variety will differ to image shown)

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Small, Large